Sanlin Valley Park represents a new landscape model for urban ventilation corridors. These new “urban valley parks” that transect Shanghai will restore the Huangpu River’s ecological network and improve the city’s natural ventilation systems. The site of Sanlin Valley Park spans an area of 240.6 hectares located at a confluence of ecological corridors along the Huangpu River and Shanghai’s outer ring green corridors. The local history and recent development on site have left multiple issues such as fragmented parcels, construction waste, and disturbed ecosystem. In addition, Shanghai experiences severe urban heat island effects, as well as environmental challenges brought about by rapid industrialization and urbanization. To alleviate these stresses, the project objectives are:
1) CONSTRUCT a green urban ventilation corridor that establishes connectivity between the city’s various ecological zones.
2) REHABILITATE this site’s ecosystems for native plants and animals.
3) ESTABLISH a lively and contemporary green space that satisfies the needs of the city and its residents.
4) CREATE a space that promotes environmental ideals and acts as a base for future research and design of ecological corridors and urban ventilation spaces.

Foundational to the design was a careful analysis of environmental conditions that could be leveraged to ameliorate heat-island effects. Each park parcel was analyzed using computational urban climate simulations that accounted for water bodies, greenspace coverage, urban massing, and the effects of trees and terrain on air currents. Urban climate simulations used detailed meteorological data coupled with computational wind simulations and hourly surface energy balance and solar radiation models to develop seasonal and daily climate performance maps.

These analyses, along with input from local communities, city authorities, and other experts yielded a meticulously conceived conceptual design that blurs urban-rural boundaries by improving air circulation and quality for a megalopolis hungry for a glimpse of nature within the urban landscape. Sanlin Valley Park plays upon the relationship between topography, water, and air currents to restore a vibrant ecological network and public park that will be an amenity for Shanghai residents for decades to come

Sanlin Valley Park
Landscape Architect | Tom Leader Studio (TLS)
Image Credit | Tom Leader Studio (TLS)