Celebrating World Landscape Architecture Month

April is World Landscape Architecture Month (started by ASLA). Celebrating landscape architecture for a month allows everyone to advocate for and showcase the diverse range of work (design, management, policy, education, research, etc.) that landscape architects undertake daily.

There are many ways that you can celebrate World Landscape Architecture Month (WLAM):

  • Use the ASLA prompt list to post an image or video or share an article on social media (see below).
  • Hold an open house at your firm or university and invite allied professionals, government, and surrounding businesses to show what landscape architects do.
  • Visit a local school or university and have a workshop or presentation on what landscape architects do.
  • Send an email to your government official about the importance and role of landscape architecture in cities and addressing issues such as climate change.
  • Volunteer at your professional landscape association to assist with organising events or advocacy during April.
  • Submit an article to your local newspaper or blog about how landscape architects could help with a key issue in your city or area
  • Organise an event and invite allied professionals, non-profits, and government to discuss global and local issues and how to partner together to address them
  • Hashtag your images on social media with #WLAM2024 and #landscapearchitecture

World Landscape Architecture Month (#WLAM2024) is a great time to celebrate the profession, connect with others, and provide information to the public, allied professionals, governments, and others about how landscape architects assist with improving lives and creating places within your cities and communities.

Feel free to submit your project or article to World Landscape Architecture for publication and also remember tag us in social media posts.

Top (Left to Right)
1. Pier 26 at Hudson River Park – OLIN – Image Credit: Kristian Alveo for Kebony
2. Rijnvliet Edible Neighborhood – Felixx Landscape Architects and Planners – Image Credit: Felixx
3. Palm Springs Downtown Park – RIOS – Image Credit: RIOS and Millicent Harvey
4. Little Island – MNLA and Heatherwick Studio – Image Credit: Angela Weiss Getty Images
5. Guangzhou Shipyard Park Phase One – Guangzhou, China – SWA – Image Credit: SWA

Bottom (Left to Right)
1. Alfred Place Gardens – LDA Design – Image Credit: Neil Speakman / LDA Design
2. From Gutter to Valley: Activating a Neglected Canal as a Community Hub – Lab D+H Shanghai | Photo Credit: Bing Lu
3. A Waterfront Homestead Reborn Restorative Design in the Yangtze Delta Polders – Shanghai Landscape Architecture Design and Research Institute Co.,LTD. (SLADI) – Image Credit: SLADI
4. Renovation Plan for Second Grinding Wheel Factory – Lab D+H Shanghai | Image Credit: Bing Lu
5. Geestwater Lisse – DELVA Landscape architecture | Urbanism | Image Credit: Vivid Vision


About Damian Holmes 3345 Articles
Damian Holmes is the Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA). He is a registered landscape architect (AILA) working in international design practice in Australia. Damian founded WLA in 2007 to provide a website for landscape architects written by landscape architects. Connect on Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/in/damianholmes/