NIP Paysage wins Place de l’Acadie design competition

NIP Paysage-Place-de-l'Acadie

The design competition was held as part of the project to redevelop Place de l’Acadie and Place Henri-Bourassa, was intended primarily to produce a concept for creating areas to refresh the surrounding air in order to help fight the urban heat island effect.

The jury found that the project from NIP paysage stood out for the variety, quality and cohesiveness of the proposed areas, the potential performance in producing coolness, the user-friendliness of the meeting spaces, and the concept’s technical feasibility and viability, especially regarding its adaptability for future stages.

A contract will be awarded to the winning team to, among other things, produce plans for the park’s development, conduct the follow-up during the call-for-tenders period, oversee the construction work and ensure co-ordination with all other project stakeholders.

The project takes place among a new landscape and architecture vision for the neighbourhood. The park becomes a large scale entrance plaza for larger scale architecture. A series of landscape events and topographies punctuate the site, establishing a dialogue between various public spaces. They become entrance markers, sound-reducing berms, visual screens, retention basins or play spaces. The design creates a landscape identity for the district while increasing overall biodiversity and reducing observed site-related constraints.

Client: Ville de Montréal, arrondissement Ahuntsic-Cartierville
Location: Place de l’Acadie, Montréal
Landscape architects: NIP paysage
Design team: Mélanie Mignault, Michel Langevin, Josée Labelle, Mathieu Casavant
Technical team: Claude Cournoyer, Georges-Étienne Parent, Émilie Bertrand-Villemure, Sylvain Lenoir
Civil engineer : Vinci Consultants

NIP Paysage-Place-de-l'Acadie
Concept © NIP paysage
NIP Paysage-Place-de-l'Acadie
Plan © NIP paysage
NIP Paysage-Place-de-l'Acadie
Summer © NIP paysage
NIP Paysage-Place-de-l'Acadie
Winter © NIP paysage



About Damian Holmes 3345 Articles
Damian Holmes is the Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA). He is a registered landscape architect (AILA) working in international design practice in Australia. Damian founded WLA in 2007 to provide a website for landscape architects written by landscape architects. Connect on Linkedin at