Three international teams (51N4E, Studio 012, KCAP) have developed visions for how Brussels will look in 2040. The visions are now being shown in the Brussels 2040: Three Visions for a Metropolis exhibition at the Centre for fine Arts in Brussels. The three teams have produced videos, photos, models, urban master plans to present their visions which hope to provide answers for What will Brussels be like in 2040 if its demographic growth continues? How will people get around the city if the motor car is no longer a sustainable means of transport? How can we reduce the social divide and avoid a dual city? How can we offer everyone an opportunity to live and work in the city with dignity? How can we coordinate the development of Brussels with its hinterland?
International teams: 51N4E, l’AUC, Bureau Bas Smets (with Mint, Chôros, and Urban Solutions), Studio 012 Bernardo Secchi Paola Viganò, (with CREAT, Egis Mobilité, Technische Universität München – Dept. of Building Climatology & Building Services, IDEA Consult, and Karbon’),KCAP Architects&Planners (with ARUP, Systematica SpA, and ZUS [Zones Urbaines Sensibles])
Exhibition design developed by Lhoas & Lhoas architects, in collaboration with Codefrisko. Previously unseen short films, directed by the journalists Robin Ramaekers and Jo Ackermans, present each of the three visions.

Exhibition is open until Sunday 20.05.2012 (hours 10:00 > 18:00)
Studio 012