Back to the River, a paid design competition, is intended to revitalize a section of the Thames River corridor in London, Ontario, Canada by stimulating reinvestment and providing new opportunities for connection to the river. The competition is sponsored by the London Community Foundation, the City of London and the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority.
Through this two-stage design competition, the Sponsors seek a design vision for a 5km segment of the Thames River Corridor and detailed area plans for two focus areas with special city-building potential. At the most refined level of detail, the design submissions will identify implementable projects for each of the focus areas to enhance the environment, community quality of life, and economic development in London.
The Jury will, on the basis of submissions to the RFQ, select between three (3) and five (5) qualified Proponents to proceed to the RFP stage of the design competition. Each qualified Proponent who is invited to and submits a qualified response to the RFP will be awarded $40,000. The winning proposal will be awarded a design contract with the City of London of at least $200,000 to initiate detailed design of the inaugural project for The Forks, one of the focus areas described above.”
The first stage, an open RFQ released May 6th with responses due June 3rd. Short listed proponents will be invited to respond to an RFP later in the summer.
For more information, see