World Landscape Architecture and ArchiDogs create media partnership in China

World Landscape Architecture (WLA), and ArchiDogs, a leading media company in China, are excited to announce a strategic media partnership to create greater connections in landscape architecture between China’s landscape design firms and universities.

This collaboration combines WLA’s presence as the premier landscape architecture industry website with Archidogs’ innovative approach to media strategy in China. By creating this partnership in China, the two entities seek to foster connections, enhance learning, and improve the landscape architecture industry in China through online and face-to-face events, industry roundtables, and publications.

World Landscape Architecture (WLA) has sought to improve advocacy for landscape architecture by publishing projects, editorials, news, competitions, jobs, and more. WLA started in 2007 with a view to creating partnerships with media companies and professional organisations to increase the reach of landscape architecture.

ArchiDogs was founded in New York in 2015, has developed into a comprehensive cultural media company with international influence. Through brand management, ArchiDogs has assisted numerous companies in China with strategy, positioning, and marketing direction.

“We are excited to partner with ArchiDogs to champion the importance of landscape architecture in China through events and publications. Through partnering with ArchiDogs, we can have greater reach in China and inspire Chinese landscape architects and the new generation of designers to learn about landscape architecture.” Damian Holmes, Founder & Editor – World Landscape Architecture

Sherry Xi of ArchiDogs echoes this sentiment, stating, “The field of landscape design in China has undergone significant changes from purely aesthetic to now considering environmental, cultural, and social factors. ArchiDogs is partnering with the internationally renowned World Landscape Architecture to promote landscape design trends. We are also looking to break cultural and geographical barriers to provide opportunities for Chinese designers to gain international recognition through publications and events with WLA.”

As China continues to develop, improve cities and encourage environmental stewarship, the partnership between WLA and ArchiDogs looks to improve the future of landscape architecture worldwide.

WLA and ArchiDogs held their first event in Hangzhou in December 2023 and are looking forward to holding more events in China in 2024.

Scales of Impact: Landscape Trends for a Changing Era held by WLA and Archidogs at Antao Group in Hangzhou.
About Damian Holmes 3345 Articles
Damian Holmes is the Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA). He is a registered landscape architect (AILA) working in international design practice in Australia. Damian founded WLA in 2007 to provide a website for landscape architects written by landscape architects. Connect on Linkedin at