WLA is proud to welcome LWCircus as a partner and thank them for their support ensuring that we continue to publish great landscape architecture projects and news from around the world.
LWCIRCUS.ORG was founded on 2016 as a non-profit multi-national Organisation, based between Florence, Rome and Mexico City. The Organisation has embraced a worldwide network of practitioners, researchers and artists supporting the LWCircus Program. The Program, born as an implemented and enhanced formula following to a re-reading of a series of workshops’s past experience, it is strictly operative and performance-based, strongly shared and multinational, between Mediterranean (Italy and Lebanon), Mexico, China and other Countries, created in collaboration with prestigious International Universities and other Cultural Institutions.
The LWCircus Program is focused on experimental methodologies and strategies based on social practices on the field, to enhance sensitive areas and redesign contemporary rural and urban landscape under transition in terms of environmental, social and economic aspects. LWCircus looks for alternative tools and devices to activate sustainable development and responsible action through operative shared workshops, by the direct involvement of local communities, minorities, and well known international practitioners. The operative shared workshops stimulate the creation of a multicultural and interdisciplinary flow to exchange knowledge, information, attitudes, skills and real-world know-how through artistic expression and multiple forms of media. The outcomes aim to help result in integration, cultural and economic development for local inhabitants and
minorities involved.
The ArnoLab, ChinaLab, MayaLab and BeirutLab are design workshop
experiences that engage internationally renowned practitioners from different disciplines (landscape architecture, dance, and music, anthropology, art, and architecture) in collaboration with international students and actors from the local community. The Workshops started with a first edition in Florence in the 2017 (ArnoLabs), giving life to shared, spontaneous and ephemeral works with a multidisciplinary and multicultural approach, as tools to taste relationship between locals and their environment, looking to change the perception of the places and people, through a shared landscape design method, activating processes of social inclusion, changing the perception of alterity, transmuting the perceiving of “others” in the feeling of “us”. The Program continues with its increasing scheduling over the world, during this year 2019 there are planned editions in Italy (May/ June and September), Lebanon (October), China (November) and Mexico (December). For
For updates and complete scheduling, please have a look at https://lwcircus.org/home/next/