World Landscape Architecture is excited to welcome Felixx as a new WLA Sponsor. It is through the support of our sponsors that we are able to continue publishing great landscape architecture projects, competitions and news from across the world.

Felixx Landscape Architects and Planners is a Rotterdam-based office for proactive landscape architecture, founded in 2014. Felixx believes a better world requires a better organization of the environment. They specialize in addressing urgent global challenges with locally embedded design solutions. Felixx’s work has a broad international scope and their projects range from spatial research, landscape transformation strategies and developing masterplans, to public space and product design. The office is named after our self-invented modest hero Felixx, who travels the world looking for opportunities to realize happy environments.”

(c) Felixx, UNStudio

© Felixx/Cityförster/IMG+
Cover Photo | © Xingzhong Zhang, China Resources Group and © Hao Cui, CCCC First Harbour Engineer