Waterbank | Perth Australia | HASSELL

Waterbank is located in East Perth, on the edge of the CBD and the Swan River. The six hectare site will be developed over the next seven to ten years, and aims to generate more than 8,000 jobs. The staged development includes the construction of approximately 700 residential dwellings (apartments and townhouses), up to 20,000 square metres of commercial office space and approximately 4,000 square metres of retail space. Potentially, a hotel and a significant public realm, including green spaces, wetlands, riverfront promenades, a town square and the Hay Street pier, will follow.

The Government of Western Australia has selected Lend Lease to develop a premier riverfront site adjacent to the Perth city centre. “Waterbank is a significant city-shaping initiative and we are thrilled to be able to join Lend Lease in guiding the design of this key transformational project for Perth,” said Angus Bruce, Principal, HASSELL.

HASSELL has been involved in this project since 2008, when we were commissioned by the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority to review the 2004 Riverside Master Plan to ensure the original objective and vision for the site remained valid.

The proposed master plan incorporates:

  • Low rise buildings overlooking the river, public promenades and new green spaces
  • A town square area
  • Accessible river edges with continuous public access, including the creation of a natural beach area and boating access
  • Connection to Hay Street, creating a direct link to the Swan River from one of Perth’s major streets, with a new river pier and continuous site line from the city
  • Large area of new wetlands, ensuring a water sensitive outcome that delivers an Australian leading Green Star residential development

The HASSELL and Lend Lease design brings the city to the river creating a vibrant waterfront community, offering visitors and residents a range of entertainment, commercial and residential uses in a unique waterfront location.

IMAGE CREDIT: Virtual Ideas

About Damian Holmes 3345 Articles
Damian Holmes is the Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA). He is a registered landscape architect (AILA) working in international design practice in Australia. Damian founded WLA in 2007 to provide a website for landscape architects written by landscape architects. Connect on Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/in/damianholmes/