Student Project | LINE | Angel Cerezo

Student Project | LINE | Angel Cerezo

Angel Cerezo’s graduation project at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Barcelona). The project titled LINE looks to recover and design one historical street in Eindhoven, Netherlands.

Student Project | LINE | Angel Cerezo
Student Project | LINE | Angel Cerezo
The project is a LINE.
The street connects different interesting points of the city as like as the church, the historical market, educational buildings, the piazza, existing public gardens, the shopping mall…with the historical centre of Eindhoven. It is a civic space as a public space for the citizens recovered to the cars. Retrieve historical traces that survive in the city and in the collective memory. Convert this path bring vitality and keep it to slow circulation.

Student Project | LINE | Angel Cerezo
Student Project | LINE | Angel Cerezo
Student Project | LINE | Angel Cerezo
Student Project | LINE | Angel Cerezo

It is a critic of our century to the architects Van den Broek & Bakema. During the sixties and seventies this architects tried to delete the existing historic roads in the city. These roads and traces remain in the collective imagination, and where the citizens are currently on a bike and travel everyday. The main idea of the project is to preserve the memory of the place and retrieve one of the historic roads. It is about recognizing and preserving a LINE (trace) to redesign it as public space for citizens. The LINE is convert in the: main street, urban bridges and small urban buildings, as a fractal architecture.

Student Project | LINE | Angel Cerezo
Student Project | LINE | Angel Cerezo
Student Project | LINE | Angel Cerezo

September 2011 – 2nd Prize in Saie Selection 2011

Angel Cerezo’s graduation project, Recover and design one historical street in Eindhoven (NL), has been awarded 2nd prize in the International competition Saie Selection 2011 at the Saie Building expo in Bologna, Italy.
The project won the 2nd prize in the student category for concrete architecture.

The competition had over 250 participants.

Project supervisor: Enric Batlle i Durany – Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Barcelona). 

IMAGE CREDIT: Angel Cerezo

About Damian Holmes 3538 Articles
Damian Holmes is the Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA). He is a registered landscape architect (AILA) working in international design practice in Australia. Damian founded WLA in 2007 to provide a website for landscape architects written by landscape architects. Connect on Linkedin at