The Clifton Hill Rail Project began as a key transport initiative to duplicate the railway track between Clifton Hill and Westgarth Stations. The result of which was an opportunity to deliver a landscape that stitched together the Merri Creek environs, a new rail bridge, pedestrian and cyclist needs and the local community. The result is a beautifully executed landscape which demonstrates the integral role that a landscape architect has in delivering a multi-dimensional project varying in scale, programs, stakeholders, and contexts.

The Clifton Hill Rail Project won the 2011 Australia Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) Victoria Landscape Architecture Urban Design Award. The jury commented about Jeavons Landscape Architects Clifton Hill Rail Project
This project demonstrated sensitivity to social, cultural and physical contexts through an extensive consultation process with the community and various authorities. It also demonstrated the role of the landscape architect from the broad strategic scale to the detail resolution. The project focused on improved accessibility and community linkages but goes beyond a cycle routes and footpaths and creates a public space in an area that is generally forgotten. This is further developed through the use and treatment of the space under the bridge as a ‘Park.’
Images Courtesy of AILA Victoria