Profile | Hafez Orabie | Senior Landscape Architect, Cracknell

Hafez Orabie is a Senior Landscape Architect at Cracknell and have been based in the Dubai studio for 5 years working on a diverse range and scales of projects within the MENA region. With a background in both Landscape and Architecture he strives to bring a holistic approach to his work, creating harmony with space and form.  Through landscape architecture, Hafez strives to evoke emotions, spark imagination, and cultivate a deeper connection between people and their surroundings. Designing landscapes is not just about creating spaces; it’s about sculpting experiences, weaving stories, and nurturing connections with the environment.

WLA: Why did you become a Landscape Architect?

I was drawn to landscape architecture from a young age due to my passion for sketching portraits and natural scenes. As I matured, my interest in architecture grew, particularly in understanding how spaces are crafted and the way in which they evoke experiences for users. This fascination led me to pursue landscape architecture, where I have had the chance to hone my talent and skills and gain the knowledge needed to create meaningful environments. I am inspired by the ability to shape spaces that evoke emotional responses and enhance people’s quality of life.

WLA: How do you start the design process?

My design process begins with thorough research, delving deeply into the site’s attributes, contextual environment, and project limitations and opportunities. This in-depth understanding provides the groundwork for brainstorming sessions with the team, where I contribute to the development of creative design concepts. I look to place emphasis on improving user experience through the incorporation of customised features and compelling elements that enrich the project’s unique identity.

WLA: How do you see the future of landscape architecture?

The landscape architecture field holds a promising future judging by current key trends. Sustainability, with a focus on green infrastructure and ecological design, is central. Technological advancements through BIM and GIS will continue to revolutionise planning and masterplanning. Through the prioritisation of resilient, biodiverse spaces, landscape architects will help to address the problems caused by urbanisation and climate change. There is growing recognition of the importance of equitable access to green areas, emphasising the need for community engagement and social cohesion. Overall, I feel that the landscape architecture profession will help drive a future of innovative, sustainable and inclusive design for the benefit of generations to come.

About Damian Holmes 3309 Articles
Damian Holmes is the Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA). He is a registered landscape architect (AILA) working in international design practice in Australia. Damian founded WLA in 2007 to provide a website for landscape architects written by landscape architects. Connect on Linkedin at