National Gallery of Australia – Sculpture Garden Design Competition

This is an exceptional opportunity for Australian and international designers to contribute to the Sculpture Garden and create a reinvigorated and unique landscape setting for the National Gallery of Australia within the heart of Australia’s national capital, Kamberri/Canberra.

The competition scope recognises the foundational importance of Australia’s First Nations peoples and culture with gardens and contexts of heritage value. The landscape of the Sculpture Garden puts art and public access and appreciation of art first. It also explores the potential of the wider national setting of Kamberri/Canberra.

The competition seeks to reposition the Sculpture Garden as an innovative outdoor art gallery that comprehensively embraces the biodiversity of the Australian landscape and the National Gallery’s purpose to make ‘art accessible, meaningful and vital to diverse audiences, locally, nationally and internationally’.

The National Gallery of Australia is seeking a design outcome of excellence which is distinctly Australian. The outcome will acknowledge the past and be of enduring value to the future. This competition extends the rich design legacy of the National Gallery and Australia’s national capital.

The National Gallery of Australia – Sculpture Garden Design Competition will be an open tender multi-stage process, taking the form of a two-stage design competition.

Stage One closes on May 29.

More information from the competition website.

Image Credit: Flickr Malcolm Tredinnick

About Damian Holmes 3346 Articles
Damian Holmes is the Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA). He is a registered landscape architect (AILA) working in international design practice in Australia. Damian founded WLA in 2007 to provide a website for landscape architects written by landscape architects. Connect on Linkedin at