Minneapolis Riverfront Design Competition Finalist

Minneapolis Riverfront Design Competition-Turenscape

Our design approach celebrates the Resilient River; we believe in the power of nature to heal, and the relevance of the River in the life of the people of Minneapolis. We take the long view, and see that changes in industry along the banks have happened before, driven by the market but also by the guiding hand of public policy and the aspirations of the River’s citizens. While we recognize the role of industry, and in many cases are enthralled by the scale of its work along the banks, we also remain steadfast in our belief that this landscape is worthy of respect, even reverence, and protection from harm. Our purpose then is to aid in healing the riverfront as a place of critical ecological importance, as well as a place for working and living. Where the River has been an excuse for dividing neighborhoods and peoples, we desire a place where people can come together. We concur with the view that parks can create new value on adjacent lands, but also propose that a new ecology of parks is necessary that makes productive use of the rich riverfront lands and waters, as well as the people on its shores.


Turenscape from MRDC on Vimeo.

Minneapolis Riverfront Design Competition-Turenscape
Master Plan ©Turenscape
Minneapolis Riverfront Design Competition-Turenscape
View from the North ©Turenscape
Minneapolis Riverfront Design Competition-Turenscape
View from the South ©Turenscape
Minneapolis Riverfront Design Competition-Turenscape
Hall Island Beach ©Turenscape
Minneapolis Riverfront Design Competition-Turenscape
Carbon neutral neighborhood ©Turenscape
Minneapolis Riverfront Design Competition-Turenscape
Green Tech Industry ©Turenscape
Minneapolis Riverfront Design Competition-Turenscape
Wetland Eco Lab ©Turenscape
Minneapolis Riverfront Design Competition-Turenscape
Perkins Hill Skywalk ©Turenscape


Dr. Kongjian Yu
Shihong Ling
Xiangjun Liu
Jie Bai
Yunqian Liu
Alta Planning + Design
Steve Durrant
SvR Design Company
Nate Cormier
Tom von Schrader
Lisa Town
Nathan Polanski
Meyer Scherer Rockcastle
Tom Meyer
Applied Ecological Services
Steve Apfelbaum
Summit Envirosolutions
John Dustman
Community Design Group
Antonio Rosell
About Damian Holmes 3345 Articles
Damian Holmes is the Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA). He is a registered landscape architect (AILA) working in international design practice in Australia. Damian founded WLA in 2007 to provide a website for landscape architects written by landscape architects. Connect on Linkedin at

1 Comment

  1. As we settled on rivers we have ‘tamed’ them and sometimes turned our back (at least here in Ireland). It would be good to see the fruits of this project as a use of a river for social cohesion and the part of the health of a city.

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