Hapa and the Vancouver Parks Board developed Mid-Main Park on a remnant site where Main Street bends at 18th Avenue. Working with the Mount Pleasant community, Hapa developed a park design that provides a social hotspot on the Main Street promenade, integrates sustainable principles of tree protection and stormwater management, while also celebrating the history of the site.
The park includes ample fixed and movable seating including sinuous, underlit benches, a small mounded lawn, drought tolerant shade planting, and pervious paving that collects water into a subterranean infiltration gallery. The signature of the site is the bendy-straw trellis, a whimsical reference to the former Palm Dairy milk bar that occupied the site from 1952 to 1989.
Mid Main Park | Vancouver Canada | Hapa Collaborative
Design Firm | Hapa Collaborative
Year | 2013
Image Credits | Hapa Collaborative
Text Credits | Hapa Collaborative
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