Landscape Institute launch website to abate LA shortage

The Landscape Institute has launched a new clean graphic site with stunning images of landscape architecture projects to try to show students and people thinking about a possible career change the great profession of landscape architecture.

The site – I Want To Be A Landscape Architect  is up and running with support from CABE Space, one of the Institute’s key stakeholders.

The Landscape Institute has launched this website and campaign in direct response to the chronically low level of entry onto Landscape Institute accredited university courses and the severe shortages of landscape architects in the labour market.

A Landscape Institute survey in 2007 showed that 52% of firms were turning away contracts because of staff shortages and in 2007 research by the Academy for Sustainable Communities, showed that the shortages of landscape architects were set to worsen as demand in the economy increased.

The website has a wealth of information and some great interviews with members of the profession. The institute is also calling on members to become apart of the site and help get the message out to local schools so check out  I Want to be a landscape architect and see how you can contribute too.

SOURCE: Landscape Institute – I want to be a landscape architect website now online.

About Damian Holmes 3539 Articles
Damian Holmes is the Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA). He is a registered landscape architect (AILA) working in international design practice in Australia. Damian founded WLA in 2007 to provide a website for landscape architects written by landscape architects. Connect on Linkedin at