GSA launches Constructing Landscape video series

A new landscape architecture video series titled Constructing Landscape, has been launched by the U.S. General Services Administration with five short videos that explore landscape architecture. These are a great introduction to landscape architecture for the general public and students.

The GSA’s National Design Director for Landscape Architecture, Christian Gabriel, sat down with Landscape Architects to discuss numerous critical considerations surrounding the field of Landscape Architecture and site development in general and the federal government project portfolio more specifically.

In partnership with the GSA’s Design Excellence program, these conversations were subsequently developed into a series of five short films that highlight common themes, provide visual accompaniment to ideas, and deliver powerful lessons that can be incorporated into the current and future thinking regarding site development projects.

The following film series, titled Constructing Landscape , is now available for viewing below. The individual five-minute shorts are edited interviews with 18 landscape architects. The films are titled Material and Perspective to help distinguish the world-view and concerns of Landscape Architect’s, Designing with Time to address the very unique temporal issues associated with landscape materiality, Ecological Infrastructures to address natural systems and the concerns of scale, Site as Security to address the deployment of security features within our public landscapes, and finally Preservation and Design Evolution to address both the process of landscape evaluation and the re-purposing of sites.

The landscape architects interviewed are: Ken Smith, FASLA, Laurie Olin, FASLA, Tom Leader, FASLA, Chris Reed, FASLA, Diana Balmori, FASLA, Julie Bargmann, Kathryn Gustafson, FASLA, Jerry Van Eyck, ASLA, Thomas Woltz, FASLA, José Almiñana, FASLA, Mary Margaret Jones, FASLA, Mikyoung Kim, FASLA, David Fletcher, ASLA, Christy Ten Eyck, FASLA, Charles Birnbaum, FASLA, Shane Coen, FASLA, Patricia O’Donnell, FASLA, and Marion Pressley, FASLA.

Sites featured include: Brooklyn Bridge Park, the High Line, Columbus Circle, Rose Kennedy Greenway, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Elevated Acre, Hunters Point South Waterfront, Harvard University Plaza, Yards Park in DC, the United States Coast Guard Headquarters, the Washington Monument grounds, Pier 4 Waterfront Plaza, East River Waterfront Esplanade in Manhattan, Dilworth Park, and many more.

This is a great initiative that will be a tool for years to come for those wishing to learn more about landscape architecture but also for educators to use in their curriculum.

Access to the video series is via youtube –

About Damian Holmes 3538 Articles
Damian Holmes is the Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA). He is a registered landscape architect (AILA) working in international design practice in Australia. Damian founded WLA in 2007 to provide a website for landscape architects written by landscape architects. Connect on Linkedin at