Greener Grey Street Gets Approval

Greener Grey Street

LDA Design’s plans to make Newcastle’s prestigious Grey Street a greener space with less traffic have been given approval by Newcastle City Council. The scheme will help the city achieve its net zero ambitions.

Changes to make the street more welcoming include wider pavements, comfortable new seating with space for wheelchairs and pushchairs, and a dedicated northbound cycling route. New planting and a rain garden system will provide sustainable drainage, improving biodiversity and reducing flood risk.

Greener Grey Street

Traffic on the street will be reduced by removing pay and display parking, with further consideration given to part-time disabled parking.

John Simpson, LDA Design’s project lead for Newcastle public realm, said: “Grey Street is the architectural jewel of the city and one of the UK’s most elegant and historic streets. We have worked closely with the council, local people and businesses, and the business improvement district, and continue to do so. The design celebrates the city’s heritage and make Grey Street greener and more inclusive, with comfortable places to sit so people spend longer in the city centre and use local business more. The proposals make the street healthier and safer for cyclists, and a good route for pedestrians between the city centre and Quayside.”

In the short term, bollards will be removed, and temporary planters installed. The main programme of work will start early in 2023, following the busy Christmas period.

This project is being funded by the Department for Transport’s Active Travel Fund and supported by the Getting Building Fund.

About Damian Holmes 3345 Articles
Damian Holmes is the Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA). He is a registered landscape architect (AILA) working in international design practice in Australia. Damian founded WLA in 2007 to provide a website for landscape architects written by landscape architects. Connect on Linkedin at