Green Inspiration Exposarium | Baarn Netherlands | Hollandschap

The garden is designed and implemented to inspire visitors, both individuals and professionals. As the main industry of the Bomencentrum Nederland is the nursery business, the garden shows new and unusual materials and features to show all the different possibilities the nursery offers.

A large number of the visitors can be classified as working for the government and local municipalities in particular. The facilities and the landscape are also often used for seminars and congresses. The guests are mainly high-ranked officials from various industries, mostly from within the Netherlands. However, theGreen Pavilion and the Exposarium also have an international appeal, attracting visitors ranging from the U.S.A to China. The number of attendants has been approximately 30.000 visitors per year, for the past ten years. Besides showing the more botanical products, the aims is also to show new materials varying from pavements and other construction materials, to trees and other living features. In the Exposarium there is also an important focus on water and fountain elements.

The extension
The initial project originated in 2000. A steady growth and use of the facilities has been the base for the need of the new extensions (pavilion). The new development requires an extension of the landscape integrating the two new pavilions. In 2009/2010 the additional pavilions (follies) were architecturally designed. The construction on site, particularly of the landscape, started in January 2011.

Green Inspiration Exposarium | Baarn Netherlands | Hollandschap
Landscape Design | Hollandschap
Architecture | Edwin Smit of MIII Architecten

IMAGES | Courtesy of Hollandschap


About Damian Holmes 3345 Articles
Damian Holmes is the Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA). He is a registered landscape architect (AILA) working in international design practice in Australia. Damian founded WLA in 2007 to provide a website for landscape architects written by landscape architects. Connect on Linkedin at

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