Garden of 10,000 bridges 万桥园 opens at Xian Expo: West 8

WEST 8 - Garden of 10,000 bridges 万桥园 Xian
WEST 8 - Garden of 10,000 bridges 万桥园 Xian

The International Horticultural Expo in Xian, China opened on 28th April. The Garden of 10,000 bridges by West 8 is complete along with many other display gardens.

Gardens are telling stories; they are poetry and have a narrative. Our garden represents the human life, the path of people’s lifetime. This path is a path of uncertainty and burden. Many bridges over troubled water. The garden design takes this path of life as a meandering, winding road – continuous and like a labyrinth. The path through nature takes you over 10000 bridges.

For the 2011 Xi’an International Horticulture Exhibition, West 8 designed a Master Landscape Architect Garden, that plays with the limits and the sensation of surprise.

The International Horticulture Exhibition 2011 has many gardens designed by world renowned landscape architects such as TerragramMartha SchwartzSLATopotek1, Catherine Mosbach, Plasma StudioGROSS.MAXEMBT Miralles/Tagliabue, and Atelier DYJG. Also a 9000 square metre garden has been designed by various landscape architecture programs from across the world that were exhibited in July this year at the Creative Nature Exhibition in Qingpu, Shanghai.  With many other gardens designed by city and provinces along with some enterprise gardens. The 2011 Xi’an International Horticulture Exhibition will be held from 28 April to 8 October 2011.

4月28日,西安世界园艺博览会之West 8“万桥园”正式对游人开放。


2011年西安世界园艺博览会, West 8设计了大师展园中的一座。这座园林模糊了感官上的界限,带给游人惊奇的游园体验。


Images Courtesy of West8

West 8 Partnered with DYJG Beijing for this project.

WEST 8 - Garden of 10,000 bridges 万桥园 Xian
WEST 8 - Garden of 10,000 bridges 万桥园 Xian
WEST 8 - Garden of 10,000 bridges 万桥园 Xian

WEST 8 - Garden of 10,000 bridges 万桥园 Xian

WEST 8 - Garden of 10,000 bridges 万桥园 Xian

WEST 8 - Garden of 10,000 bridges 万桥园 Xian



Gardens are telling stories; they are poetry and have a narrative.
Our garden represents the human life, the path of people’s lifetime.
This path is a path of uncertainty and burden.
Many bridges over troubled water.
The garden design takes this path of life as a meandering, winding road – continuous and like a labyrinth.
The path through nature takes you over 10000 bridges.

“The Garden of 10000 Bridges” plays with perspective views, limits and the sensation of surprise. The integration of views to the surrounding parts of the exhibitions takes advantage of the perfect position of our
plot towards the lake and main features of the park. The concept is very simple and strong. There is only one entrance and one exit of the path which goes through the garden. The narrow path is curling through the garden of bamboo and passing over and under each bridge in the meanwhile. The visitor is not able to see at which point of the garden he is located and how much of its way he has finished. In these moments the visitor is limited to himself, possibly the person in front of him and the sounds of the moving bamboo.

The situation changes dramatically at the 5 bridges. The visitor climbs up the steep bridges to reach the top that sticks out from the dense vegetation. Each bridge allows another spectacular view. The bridges are situated to fit perfectly into the optimalrelationship to the viewpoints that are defined by the surrounding.

The inspiration from the rich history has been transformed into a contemporary language and will be built with the modern techniques.
It is possible to realize the 5 bridges with 3 moulds. There are all together 3 types of bridges. Each bridge,consisting of two halves, will be mounted in place. The surface can be adapted by rubber-inlays that createa unique décor on each of them. The inner surface is smooth and only contains the handrails. The entireoutside structure is decorated with the imprinted decor of bamboo. We are proposing to the pattern bambooleaves, which is related to Chinese traditional painting. The bridge will be painted in red with Epoxy.

The 5 prefabricated, modular concrete bridges will require less material than cast-in-place ones, for a lower initial cost. The proposed off-site fabrication will ensure tight adherence to specs, less on-site work, and
quality control of modular units. Installation is fast, compared to cast-in-place construction. In the context of an Expo of this size this will clearly work in the advantage of the total realization. Precast concrete
eliminates the costly maintenance of exposed bridge decks and bridge deck icing. Prefabricated bridge components ensure a long life cycle and low life cycle costs, requiring virtually no maintenance. With limited
costs it will be possible to create the sensation of realizing 5 unique elements.


As we were looking for the optimal plant to be the base for our garden we have defined the main characteristics that we were looking for:
•resistant and strong to stand the pressure of the Expo
•attractive and green throughout all the seasons to make the garden work along the whole year
•available as plants of 2 meters height on the market to be able to plant the entire surface densely and to be
ready at the moment of the opening
•dense growth character to avoid that visitors can look through the green structure
•attractive fresh green from the bottom up to the height of 2 meters
•related to the Chinese garden tradition and the local vegetation
•appropriate to the local climate
Bamboo seemed to be the most appropriate choice for the vegetation of the garden. It fits into all the above mentioned criteria. It would be necessary to search for the right subspecies in order to avoid maintenance
problems and to avoid that the bamboo grows too high or is not dense enough at the bottom of the plant.


The paths should be consisting of a fine broken black granite (gravel) that gives you the perception of being
in a garden. The paths are only 80cm wide and on both sides enclosed by a softly rounded curbstone of
dark granite. It is very important for the concept to emphasize the change of scale from the main path with a
width of 7 meters to the scale of a garden.


每座园林都有一个故事。它们是诗,在诉说。    我们的园林讲述的是生命的故事,人的生命之路。    这条路跌宕起伏,忍辱负重,
讲述了忧愁河上的众桥。    在这座园林中,生命是一条绵延不绝的蜿蜒小路,更恍如一座迷宫。

一条单方向的砾石小径只设一个入口和一个出口,贯穿全园。狭窄­的小径象征着生命,如古希腊神话中的名 匠Daedalus设计的迷宫,曲折盘徊,带领参观者远离宽敞的大道和人群,深入茂密幽深的竹林,经过每座桥





About Damian Holmes 3538 Articles
Damian Holmes is the Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA). He is a registered landscape architect (AILA) working in international design practice in Australia. Damian founded WLA in 2007 to provide a website for landscape architects written by landscape architects. Connect on Linkedin at