Event | IFLA Webinar on Landscape Architecture Education and Studio Pedagogy | 18 November

IFLA International Webinar Conference on Landscape Architecture Education and Studio Pedagogy.
A Webinar organized by the IFLA Education and Academic Affairs Committee, Student
Competition Working Group Chair.

Monday, November 18th, 2024. – Starting time: 9:30 a.m. (GMT)

The Landscape Architecture Education and Studio Pedagogy symposium aims to explore landscape architecture education and pedagogy today, show regional differences, and highlight the need for international dialogue to benefit the discipline. As landscape architecture programs face contemporary socio-environmental challenges regionally, they are evolving away from outdated modern standards. Furthermore, the rise of digital tools, such as GIS, AI, 3D modeling and rendering tools appropriate for landscape equip education and research with possibilities never seen before. Fostering international conversations is essential in the context of such developments. By sharing diverse perspectives and best practices, we can enrich landscape architecture education, encourage innovation and collaboration across borders, and advocate for a proper approach to landscape architecture. Indeed, regional differences play a crucial role, and they deserve not only to be nurtured but also confronted with the “others” to strengthen themselves without hindering the possibility of international mobility.

Günther Vogt is the owner of VOGT Landscape Architects and professor emeritus at ETH Zürich.

Gareth Doherty is an associate professor of landscape architecture and director of the Master of Landscape Architecture program at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design.

Rosalea Monacella, a registered Landscape Architect, is a faculty member in the Landscape Architecture Department at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Technology Sydney.

Terrence Tan is a senior lecturer and director of the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Programme in the Department of Architecture, College of Design and Engineering, National University of Singapore.

Ellen Fetzer is the ECLAS Immediate Past President Nurtingen-Geislingn University Germany.

Ebru Özer is a Professor and Chair at FIU – Florida International University, School of Landscape Architecture + Environmental and Urban Design.

Alessandro Martinelli, PhD, is Associate Professor at the Department of Landscape architecture, the Chinese Culture University, Taipei and IFLA EAA Chair.

Şükran Şahin is founding member of TAPLAK Design and Planning Accreditation Association and Head of the Department of Landscape Architecture at Ankara University.

Wen-Shan Huang is the Chair and Associate Professor at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Fu Jen Catholic University in New Taipei.

Rosa Michelle Meza Paredes is an Associate Professor at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

Amer Habibullah is an Assistant Professor of History and Theories of Landscape Architecture at King Abdulaziz University.

Mahdi Khansefid is from the University of Tehran and a member of IFLA EAA SC Working Group.

The Landscape Architecture Education and Studio Pedagogy Online Webinar (via Zoom) is free. Registering at https://www.iflaworld.com/newsblog/educationandstudiopedagogyconference

About Damian Holmes 3536 Articles
Damian Holmes is the Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA). He is a registered landscape architect (AILA) working in international design practice in Australia. Damian founded WLA in 2007 to provide a website for landscape architects written by landscape architects. Connect on Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/in/damianholmes/