Entre Les Rangs | Montreal Canada | Kanva architecture firm

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Image Credit | Cindy Boyce

The year’s shortest days are almost here, and that means, happily, the return of Luminothérapie to Quartier des Spectacles. On December 10, the Quartier des Spectacles Partnership unveiled the two participatory works comprising the fourth annual edition of the event that celebrates Quebec’s northern climate. Every day until February 2, starting at nightfall, the luminous installation Entre les rangs will turn Place des Festivals into a wonderland.

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Image Credit | Cindy Boyce

When we see this work, evocative of a rural wheat field swaying in the breeze, we get a little taste of the distant summer even as winter dawns. Fluttering atop 28,500 flexible stems that bend in the winter wind, white reflectors scatter light from the projectors in Place des Festivals. Right in the heart of the city, these stylised stalks of wheat dance and shimmer to a musical score by Patrick Watson, inviting passers-by to enjoy a dreamy stroll among them.

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Image Credit | Martine Doyon
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Image Credit | Martine Doyon

Inspired by the shape and layout of the rangs, the system of land division used in New France, the designers of the Kanva architecture firm, working in collaboration with Udo Design, Côté Jardin, Patrick Watson, Boris Dempsey and Pierre Fournier, created a large-scale metaphor that beautifully evokes the shimmering of vast fields of wheat in the wintery city.

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Image Credit | Martine Doyon

Entre Les Rangs | Montreal Canada | Kanva architecture firm

Images Credit | Cindy Boyce & Cindy Boyce

About Damian Holmes 3538 Articles
Damian Holmes is the Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA). He is a registered landscape architect (AILA) working in international design practice in Australia. Damian founded WLA in 2007 to provide a website for landscape architects written by landscape architects. Connect on Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/in/damianholmes/

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