Conceptual development plan | Luleå Sweden | tema urban planning


With a projected growth rate of 10,000 new residents, Luleås vision is to create new attractive residential areas and densify their urban core. In collaboration with Luleås City Planning Department, Temagruppens urban planners have developed an Urban Vision Document which capitalizes on the City’s proximity to surrounding water, and focuses on long term sustainability.


The proposal is to infill the present day Stadsviken (a manmade stormwater storage area) and creates a series of new buildings which are built on piles, similar to historic Venice. The new neighbourhood consists of two linked districts, Stadsviken and Munkebergs Beach, the two of which create spaces for 2,000 new apartments, as well as schools, boutiquesand office space. The fundamental concept and urban pattern builds upon Luleå’s established classical urban framework.

The new location takes advantage of views of the sea, while a boat harbour and bathhouse follows the shoreline. Activities will attract both young and old, families and singles. The concept proposes that an assortment of Architects and Construction Firms are involved in order to create variation in the architectural language. Areas surrounding residences with be lushly planted, free from automobile traffic, with private areas as well as community oriented spaces with play areas for small children.


In all cases, the project aims to make ecological, economic and social sustainability its driving focus. Pedestrians, cyclists, and public transport are prioritized over automobiles. A higher
up front infrastructure cost combined with a lower projected maintenance cost will result in long term economic sustainability. The combination of parks, residences and community meeting places will lay the groundwork for a rich social life.

TEXT & IMAGES | tema urban planning

About Damian Holmes 3345 Articles
Damian Holmes is the Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA). He is a registered landscape architect (AILA) working in international design practice in Australia. Damian founded WLA in 2007 to provide a website for landscape architects written by landscape architects. Connect on Linkedin at