Book Review | Colour Trilogy in Landscape Design

Colour Trilogy in Landscape Design is a book that introduces landscape design methods, starting from surveying and field assessment, to discussing multi-sensory approaches and then going on to lay out ways of building landscape architectural design ideas.

The book is aimed at students majoring in landscape architecture, planning, and urban design; it shall serve as a handbook for landscape architectural design.

Colour Trilogy in Landscape Design is introduces landscape design methods, starting from surveying and field assessment, to discussing multi-sensory approaches and then going on to lay out ways of building landscape architectural design ideas.

The book is a great tool for students to understand design principles and how to graphically represent morphology, location, climate, evolution of spaces over time, developing scenarios, ecological factors and many others.

The book uses a mix of media including sketches, photography, pictograms, art along with descriptive text to provide insights into design principles of landscape design.

BOOK OF GREEN, the green space system is identified, recorded and filtered into design principles and illustrations.

BOOK OF BLUE, provides design principles and illustrations for water surfaces.

BOOK OF GREY, shows the role of architectural works in empty spaces.


Nguyen Thai Huyen
Nguyen received a master’s degree at Hanoi Architectural University. After graduating at Bordeaux School of Architecture (France), she went on to receive a practical master’s degree in Urban Design in 2005 and a PhD in Urban and Spatial Planning in 2011. She’s the Vice director of Institute of International Training and Cooperation Hanoi (Vietnam).

Viraj Chatterjee
Viraj is the founder and design principal of ONE Landscape — an international design studio that specializes in landscape architecture, urban design and planing with its head office in Hong Kong and regional studios in India, Thailand, and Vietnam. He teaches Landscape Architecture at the Hong Kong University and at the School of Planning and Architecture in Bhopal, India.

Bui Thi Thuy Ngoc
Having Graduated with honours in Landscape Architecture major from Hanoi Architectural University in 2016, she was recruited directly into the Master of Landscape program of the National University of Architecture and Landscape Bordeaux (ENSAP Bordeaux), France. At this university, she was the valedictorian at the Graduate Council of Master of Landscape. 

Title: Colour Trilogy in Landscape Design
Authors: Nguyen Thai Huyen, Viraj Chatterjee and Bui Thi Thuy Ngoc
Format: Softcover – 200 pages
ISBN: 9788412622256
Price: €31.00
Publisher: Altrim –

About Damian Holmes 3536 Articles
Damian Holmes is the Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA). He is a registered landscape architect (AILA) working in international design practice in Australia. Damian founded WLA in 2007 to provide a website for landscape architects written by landscape architects. Connect on Linkedin at