“BLOOM” | 2014 International Garden Festival of Chaumont-sur-Loire | NAS Architecture


Design and Innovative Idea prize of the International Garden Festival of Chaumont-sur-Loire. Based on the thematic “gardens of the deadly sins”, Bloom creates an abstract and fairy space between profusion and reserve.


Exploiting contrasts of colors and volumes, a large slender table comes to encircle the object of all the desires, the garden. This furniture invites the passers to contemplate the vegetable feast all while preventing the access there, manufacturing a mixture of amazement and desire. To support this duality, Bloom exploits the disparities. The neighborhoods are neutral, as well in their colors as in volumes. On the contrary the central garden is avoided of a bright red, color of desire, and exploits the differences in levels, developing a rich and dynamic topography. These treatment differences clink: the garden entends to be powerful and extremely alive while furniture and its context want to be fragile and delicate. A game with the passers develops then: one can sit down and peel the different species of plants around the table to discover the plants hidden by topography.



The project also offers an incredible view on the Loire, furniture is adjusted in such way that it agrees with the cutting of the trees, making benefit with the view on the largest river from France. Bloom with thus for vocation to be an interactive space, favorable with the meeting and the discussion by supporting a convivial and familiar place. Furniture is usable by all and appropriable by each one. The children draw there while adults ask questions and compare the various species of plants. People meet and leave around this inaccessible garden.






Image & Text Credit: NAS Architecture

About Damian Holmes 3538 Articles
Damian Holmes is the Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA). He is a registered landscape architect (AILA) working in international design practice in Australia. Damian founded WLA in 2007 to provide a website for landscape architects written by landscape architects. Connect on Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/in/damianholmes/