2022 WLA Professional Awards

World Landscape Architecture calls for submissions for the 2022 WLA Awards, the annual international landscape architecture awards that seek to honour landscape architects for their outstanding work and promote the profession across the world. The Awards provides landscape architects and designers from all countries to be recognised on the world stage by their profession.

Past winners of WLA Awards include Sasaki, dwg., Lab D+H, LANDPROCESS, OJB Landscape Architecture, SHUISHI 水石设计, 大小景观Atelier Scale, MKSK, Design Workshop, OLIN, Stoss Landscape Urbanism, LandLAB + Monk McKenzie, SLA, PLACE, C.F. Møller Architects, ASDISKY, Ken Smith Workshop.

Professional Awards Jury


Mindy Cooper PLA
Principal – at dwg. an Austin-based practice that is passionate about creating outdoor
spaces that inspire and delight.

Thanasis Polyzoidis
Architect-Landscape architect. co-founder of topio7 architects-landscape architects, Athens – Greece

Tompy Hoedelmans
landscape architect . urban designer
creative director at OMGEVING

Ziming Liu
French registered landscape architect
Expert consultant of major project decision-making in Shenzhen, China
Landscape planning judge of Shenzhen Campus of Sun Yat-sen University


Landscape Architecture and Landscape Design Firms can enter the Professional Awards.

Organisations and companies may enter landscape architecture projects on behalf of the designer. However, they must have written permission from the landscape architect or design firm to submit the project.

Submissions cannot be submitted in more than one category. All entrants can enter multiple projects but must purchase a registration for each entry.

Projects must be a concept or built during 2018-2022.

Projects that have previously won a WLA Award cannot be submitted.


Professional Awards include the following categories:

  • Built – Small Landscape Design (Smaller than 1,000 sq. metres/10000 sq. foot)
  • Built – Large Landscape Design (Large greater than 1000 sq. metres/10000 sq. foot)
  • Built – Urban Design
  • Built – Private Residential Design (including single dwelling gardens)
  • Built – Commercial Residential Design (including showflats, apartments, residential estates, housing developments, etc)
  • Conceptual Design
  • Conceptual Analysis and Planning

Registration Entry Fees – NOW CLOSED.

Professional Award Categories – $250AUD (approx. 180USD, 160EUR, 1150CNY)
Entry Registration Fees can be purchased in the WLA Shop via Alipay, Paypal or Credit Card.

Award Prizes

Built and Conceptual categories – Award of Excellence (1 per category) – WLA Award Trophy, WLA Award Certificate, Featured on WLA during 2022.

Built and Conceptual categories – Merit Award (upto 2 per category) -WLA Award Certificate, published on WLA during 2022.

Built and Conceptual categories – Honourable Mention (up to 3 per category) – WLA Award Certificate

Editor’s Award – WLA Award Trophy, Featured on WLA in 2022.

Shortlists for Professional Awards
All shortlisted entries will receive a certificate which will be provided after the winners are announced.

The selection of the Awards is up to the jury’s discretion. They may decide not to award all awards. (e.g. Award of Excellence, Merit Award, Honorable Mentions) due to quality or other issues. All entrants are eligible to be published on the WLA website during 2022. The Editor has discretion on publication of submissions

Awards Submission

The Awards submission should include the following:

  • A maximum five (5) pages (A3 / 11×17 format – landscape orientation) using the WLA template will only be accepted (which is supplied as a download link via email after purchasing an registration entry)
  • One (1) page of text (maximum 500 words – no images) and four (4) pages of images with a caption per image (25 words maximum). Submissions must be in English.
  • The entry number (this is the order number provided via email) and project name shall be shown in the locations as per the template.
  • No company or designers or students names or recognisable graphics/logos within the text or images.
  • Awards submission shall be less than 10Mb in pdf format. The pdf file only needs to be screen resolution (96 dpi) for juries to review.

Submission Email

  • The Awards submission should be submitted via email to awards@worldlandscapearchitect.com by the deadline. The entry file name should have the entry number, entry name and category. E.g. 70125-Garden Rooms-Built-Residential.pdf. The submission email should include a declaration that the person or company submitting the project owns the rights or has permission to submit the project and agrees to protect World Landscape Architecture from any claims for breach of copyright.  E.g. XXXX Company declares that we own the rights or has permission to submit this project and agrees to protect World Landscape Architecture from any claims from the project or image owner.
  • Professional Entrants should provide the submission details including Entry Number, Project Name, Company/Designer Name, Collaborators (Architect, Engineers, Client as applicable) and Image Credits in the submission email
  • The submission pdf file should be an attachment to the email. We do not accept links from various services such as dropbox, qq.com or similar.

Judging Criteria

Built (Small, Large, Residential)

Projects may include built landscape architecture projects and parks, plazas, streetscapes, popups, installations, gardens, etc) as per the category description


  • Design (Design Ideas and Resolution/Realisation)
  • Innovation (the level of innovation including sustainability)
  • Implementation (the final constructed project)

Built – Urban Design

Projects may include built masterplans, urban design plans, networks (green, blue, transport), environmental plans, infrastructure, streetscapes, large scale landscapes, tourism developments, large scale interpretation or wayfinding initiatives.


  • Concept/Idea (value to the community, context, innovation, etc)
  • Development and/or Execution (how the idea was developed and or implemented)
  • Involvement (how stakeholders were engaged, consulted during the project)

Conceptual Design

Projects may include unbuilt design projects that were developed for clients and competitions and can include any form of conceptual design (landscape, design, installation, plan). The submission should focus on the design and not the analysis.


  • Design (Design Ideas and Resolution/Realisation)
  • Innovation (The level of innovation in the concept)
  • Presentation & Supporting Information (how the design was presented and explained)

Conceptual Analysis and Planning

Projects may include unbuilt (or not implemented) Analysis and Planning projects that were developed for clients, competitions and may include masterplans, frameworks, urban design plans, policy work, conservation plans, research analysis, town planning, transport planning, development guidelines.

The submission should focus on the analytical and planning (not the design) undertaken during the project.


  • Analysis and Contribution (analysis, value to community, context, possible implementation)
  • Innovation (The level of innovation in the concept)
  • Presentation & Supporting Information


Entry Registration Fee Deadline – CLOSED
Entry Registration Fees must be purchased before Friday, March 18, 2022 at 11:59pm London, UK

Questions Deadline
Questions regarding submissions before Tuesday March 22, 2022 at 11:59pm London, UK
Submit any questions to
awards@worldlandscapearchitect.com in English

Submission Deadline
All entries must be submitted via email before Friday, March 25, 2022 at 11:59pm London, UK

Please pay attention to the deadline time in your timezone. Late entries are not accepted due to a misunderstanding of the deadline time (timezone).

About Damian Holmes 3377 Articles
Damian Holmes is the Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA). He is a registered landscape architect (AILA) working in international design practice in Australia. Damian founded WLA in 2007 to provide a website for landscape architects written by landscape architects. Connect on Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/in/damianholmes/