2012 London Olympics | Legacy

2012 London Olympics | Legacy
With the London 2012 Olympic over and the Paralympic Games soon to begin, but it won’t be long the all the teams and fans will be at home and the Olympics Park will be empty. The question always comes up what now for the venues, parks and infrastructure that was built for the Olympics? Well the legacy planning has been in the works with the Mayor setting up the London Legacy Development Corporation that will be “setting and maintaining standards for quality of design, construction and urban planning, to ensure a sustainable and enduring legacy for the Park”.

No Ordinary Park from Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on Vimeo.

Plans for the park where unveiled recently by the Mayor of London with a timeline from October 2012 to 2014. The temporary facilities such as the basketball and hockey arenas along with some bridges will be removed in the first phase along with the construction of the North Park Hub(by erect architecture) and South Park Hub & Plaza (by James Corner Field Operations), which will be finished in time for summer 2013. The South Park will open by Spring 2014.

Along with the current works plan there is also a Design Services Framework Panel to assist with the design of the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. The expert panel will offer a range of services to support and enhance the design quality of the Park and surrounding area, including new neighbourhoods, venues, parklands and public spaces. The companies will sit on the Design Services Framework Panel for four years as a specialist resource for three areas: Architecture and Urban Design, Landscape Design and Graphics and Visualisation.

Landscape Architecture
Churchman Landscape Architects
Gustafson Porter
J & L Gibbons
Kinnear Landscape Architects Limited
muf architecture/art LLP
Strootman Landschapsarchitecten

Architecture and Urban Design
Adams & Sutherland
Allies & Morrison
dRMM Architects
Karakusevic Carson Architects
Maccreanor Lavington
Meadowcroft Griffin Architects
NORD Architecture
Witherford Watson Mann Architects

Graphic Design & Visualisations
Dog Star Limited
Hyperkit Limited
Premm Design Limited
Squint / Opera

Along with Design Services Framework Panel  to design the Park there is also a Design Panel that was been appointed earlier “to support its new planning work and promote high quality design.”
Peter Studdert – Chairman – Peter Studdert Planning
Edward Jones – Vice Chairman – Dixon Jones
Adam Khan – Adam Khan Architects
Alex Ely – Mae
Catherine Burd – Burd Haward Architects
John Lyall – Lyall Bills and Young Architects
Julia Barfield – Marks Barfield Architects
Kirsten Henson – KLH Sustainability
Liam Bond – Platform
Lindsey Whitelaw – Lindsey Whitelaw Landscape Architect
Lucy Bullivant
Neil Deely – Metropolitan Workshop
Peter Barber – Peter Barber Architects
Peter Lainson – BEAP
Ricky Burdett – London School of Economics
Tom Holbrook – 5th Studio

IMAGE CREDIT: Flickr User |  The Department for Culture, Media and Sport

About Damian Holmes 3345 Articles
Damian Holmes is the Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA). He is a registered landscape architect (AILA) working in international design practice in Australia. Damian founded WLA in 2007 to provide a website for landscape architects written by landscape architects. Connect on Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/in/damianholmes/