WLA is glad to welcome Redland-scape as a WLA Sponsor. It is through the support of our supporters and especially our sponsors that WLA is able to continue to publish and promote landscape architecture across the world to over 50,000 monthly readers and many followers on social media.

Redland-scape.Ltd. is a Thai landscape architecture design firm based in Bangkok since 2003. We focus on creating unique environments that improve people’s living quality and enhance the green ecosystem. We specialize in landscape and urban development, envision the future possibilities and create landscape value for the places. We work as a team of experienced landscape architects and young designers with a design thinking process to generate fresh and innovative ideas.

Their projects are delivered with meaningful and well-thought-out designs to turn their clients’ visions into reality. Redland-scape believes that in nature, there is always a complimentary side that fits together harmoniously.

Red is a complementary color to the natural landscape and can create a spotlight and prominent features in nature. Redland-scape is not only representing an accent in landscape architecture but also balances that distinctiveness with nature that correspond to the aesthetics along with the needs of people. The landscape spaces contain four-dimensional volumes of areas and time. The built environments are constructed through thoughtful design while deliberating the dynamic change of nature over time to generate an equilibrium between softscape and hardscape.

Redland-scape‘s design projects won many international design awards for the past recent years such as Architizer A+Awards, Architecture Master Prize (AMP), German Award, Iconic Award, IFLA AAPME Awards, etc. (as shown in the attached brief portfolio PDF)
Images Credit: Courtesy of Redland-scape