Tomine Regional Park (The Park as a landscape of life) project lies in Bogotá Savanna, home to the Muiscas, one of Colombia’s most important indigenous populations, protagonists of the legends of El Dorado.

Sixty years ago, the damming waters of the Siecha-River began to create the Tomine Reservoir. A reservoir built by Bogotá´s Electric-Power-Company in 5,000hectares of land intended to Improve the water quality of the city, and provide water for farming and energy production. Located 50kms north of Bogota, Tomine Reservoir was built in an indigenous settlement with a rich cultural background, an identity that has been forgotten. The creation of the damn, had a powerful impact on the ecosystems that once inhabited the region. The plantation of eucalyptus and the new body of water caused a rupture in the balance of nature, changes in local weather, and damaged endemic species.

A child born today will most likely know the Bogotá of the year 2080, and it is with our design that we will bring landscape recovery, healing and renewal on a vast scale, recovering not only the health and biodiversity of ecosystems, but also the identity of the people who lived in this area so that everyone can enjoy the park now and in the future.

The Tomine Regional Park project is a 10-year Master Plan and the designs to develop the largest Regional Park of Latin America. The design process follows the concepts of Multifunctionality, Bioclimatic and Eco-efficiency, Territorial-balance, Social-responsibility, and Regenerative-planning. Bogotá has a low public-space-index, and this park will provide a connection with nature for 10 million people living in the city area and its adjacent municipalities.
Our project is envisioned as the backdrop for a range of visitor activities all centered around the ideas of recreating, reconnecting, and re-naturalizing. Visitors will be able to enjoy the wetlands, canoeing, fauna/flora tours, the center for Muisca Culture, local gastronomy, sports and camping/glamping areas. A significant element of the visitor experiences conveys the rich cultural heritage of this place. Our park has that millenary essence, every corner seems to have a history associated with the Muiscas that evokes admiration, respect for the environment and for the people, and above all, respect for nature.

Tomine Regional Park will be a reference for the care of biodiversity, the protection of water, and the functional connection of all with their ecosystem, because it is in this connection where we see the future. Our mission is to use our project´s location to revisit history to understand our identity.

The Park as a landscape of life
General Management, Master Plan and Design Team | CONSORCIO TOMINEJO
Team Members
Grupo Verde Ltda (Landscape Design/Ecology); Gustavo Perry Arqs. SAS (Urbanism); Konrad Brunners Aqs. SAS (Architecture); ARPRO SA (Technical Management)
Environmental impact analysis & Load capacity: INERCO; Strategic conceptualization: UPSIDE; Mobility study: STEER DAVIES GLEAVE; EOTs- Municipal planning plan: MONTENEGRO ARQS.; Economic and Environmental Assessment: VEA; Tomine Reservoir Assessment: ECONOMETRIA; Business case study: EY
Client | Fundación Grupo Energía de Bogotá
Location | Tomine, Cundinamarca, Colombia
Master Plan Area | 4900 Ha
Date | 2017/ 2018
IMAGES: ©Consorcio Tominejo