Parramatta River Urban Design Strategy | McGregor Coxall

Parramatta River Urban Design Strategy | McGregor Coxall
This Urban Design Strategy for the regeneration of Sydney’s second largest CBD encompasses 31 ha on the Parramatta River foreshore. The project analysed key development sites, heritage items, ESD, open space, water and cultural assets as a basis for building a new city brand and waterfront.

Parramatta River Urban Design Strategy | McGregor Coxall
The meeting point of the harbour and river was used for a brand proposition titled ‘Where The Waters Meet’. The design reorientates the city back to the river and proposes four new vibrant mixed use River Quarters. Parramatta Quay was conceived as a new water arrival point connecting the CBD to Circular Quay by ferry and creating a public and private domain of international quality. The urban strategy will be refined into a masterplan and business case for government to partner with the private sector for delivery.

Parramatta River Urban Design Strategy | McGregor Coxall

Flood Study

Parramatta River Urban Design Strategy | McGregor Coxall
Parramatta Quay - Normal Water Level
Parramatta River Urban Design Strategy | McGregor Coxall
Parramatta Quay - 1 in 100 year Flood Level
Parramatta River Urban Design Strategy | McGregor Coxall
Normal Water Level
Parramatta River Urban Design Strategy | McGregor Coxall
1 in 100 year Flood Level

IMAGE CREDIT:  McGregor Coxall

About Damian Holmes 3508 Articles
Damian Holmes is the Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA). He is a registered landscape architect (AILA) working in international design practice in Australia. Damian founded WLA in 2007 to provide a website for landscape architects written by landscape architects. Connect on Linkedin at