The Insitute of Landscape Architects Malaysia have officially dismantled their Scale of Fees after the Malaysia Competition Commission recently sent the ILAM the following notice:
“That the Commission is aware that the ILAM’s Scale of Fees continues to be in effect. The Commission considers that the ILAM’s Scale of Fees should be dismantled by 5 April 2015, failing which the Commission shall proceed to take the next appropriate course of action”
ILAM in response sent out a notice to all members on the 3 April to officially dismantling the Scale of Fees:
“ILAM is hereby adhere to full application of the Competition Act 2010 and advises all ILAM members to comply with the aforementioned act. Please be informed that the booklet of ILAM’s Scale of Fees is now regarded as obsolete. ILAM has no obligation to any members should there be any circumstances in relation to “the ACt” after the date of this letter.”
The dismantling of official Scale of Fees by landscape architecture organisations has been ocurring over the last decade as countries seek to increase competition and comply with fair-trade agreements between nations where colluding or fixing of prices or fees is seen as anti-competitive. Although these scale of fees are obsolete they are often still used by firms and individuals to price work by adjusting for various costs and project complexity.
Find out more information at ILAM about the official dismantling of fees