Book Review | 250 Things a Landscape Architect Should Know – B.Cannon Ivers (Ed)

250 Things a Landscape Architect Should Know

250 Things a Landscape Architect Should Know a collection of thoughts by 50 contributors and voices about the landscape. The book is inspired by the work of Michael Sorkin and spawned by his loss in 2020. The editor seeks the reader to understand “that to really know a subject takes time and dedication”. Ivers has successfully bought together several interesting, fun, inspiring thoughts from contributors that challenge the reader to reflect on landscape architecture and the profession.

250 Things a Landscape Architect Should Know
250 Things a Landscape Architect Should Know

The book allows readers to be inspired daily; although there are not 365 entries for 365 days, 250 contributions provide learnings, statements and context for landscape architecture professionals and students that the reader can use every day. This book is not a collection of technical tips or rules; the contributors provide insights into the landscape, cities, profession and practice that often go unspoken or have not been openly published.

During the past month that I have had the book, I decided after a first glance not to read it cover to cover; I felt that it was not a book that lends itself to continuous reading. Instead, I found myself flicking back and forth to learn more about the profession from others and their different ideas. Some statements challenged me, others I disagreed with the contributors’ assertions. Therein lies the power of many voices, you may disagree, but it challenges you to reflect upon the idea and take time to learn and maybe further explore the contributors’ assertions.

Many landscape architecture collections have centred on one geography or one topic or study area of landscape architecture. Refreshingly this book is as diverse as its contributors, with designers and contributors residing and practising in various parts of the world. 250 Things a Landscape Architect Should Know includes many voices that add value to the book. Contributors include Charles A. Birbaum, James Corner, Joanna Gibbons, Adriaan Gueze, Peter Latz, Kongjian Yu, Teresa Moller, Kirsten Bauer, Kate Orff, Laurie Olin, Martin Rein-Cato and many more.

250 Things a Landscape Architect Should Know
250 Things a Landscape Architect Should Know
250 Things a Landscape Architect Should Know

250 Things a Landscape Architect Should Know, a book that provides the reader with insights into the profession that has previously been amiss in other texts. This book will become a seminal textbook for students and the profession. It has also struck a chord with the profession as it is now gone back to the printers for a re-print.

250 Things a Landscape Architect Should Know – B.Cannon Ivers (Ed) is a mixed media book published by Birkhauser and available in hardcopy or e-book format but best read in hardcopy. It is available from various booksellers ($35-50USD), including Amazon (affiliate link)

Book Review by Damian Holmes, Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA).
Book Review Images: © Damian Holmes

250 Things a Landscape Architect Should Know

Editor: B.Cannon Ivers

Publisher: Birkhauser
Copyright year: 2021
Pages: 512
Illustrations: 280 Coloured Illustrations

Hardback ISBN: 9783035623352
Electronic ISBN: 9783035623369

WLA received a hard copy of the 250 Things a Landscape Architect Should Know – B.Cannon Ivers (Ed) for review from the published.

About Damian Holmes 3480 Articles
Damian Holmes is the Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA). He is a registered landscape architect (AILA) working in international design practice in Australia. Damian founded WLA in 2007 to provide a website for landscape architects written by landscape architects. Connect on Linkedin at