2024 WLA Student Awards | Call for Registrations

World Landscape Architecture is calling for entries for the 2024 Student WLA Awards, an annual international awards program that recognises the work of current and graduate students. Students often explore new ideas, typologies, and paradigms, providing the industry with fresh ideas that challenge and further the discourse of landscape architecture.


The 2024 Student WLA Awards has a world-class jury to review and acknowledge the best student work in design, analysis and planning. This year’s jury includes the following jurors.

Elisa C. Cattaneo
High Qualified Professor of Theory of Contemporary Architectural Design at Politecnico di Milano,

Craig Douglas
Assistant Professor, Landscape Architecture Department at Graduate School of Design, Harvard University.

Shen Jie
Associate Professor, doctoral supervisor and Deputy Director of Landscape Architecture Department at the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University

Alessandro Martinelli
Education and Academic Activities Standing Committee Chair, IFLA – International Federation of Landscape Architects
Associate Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture, Chinese Culture University, Taipei


Entrants can enter the following categories:

  • Conceptual Small Design (Smaller than 1,000 sq. metres/10000 sq. foot) – landscape design concepts (examples: gardens, pocket parks, art installations, temporary installations, memorials, etc)
  • Conceptual Large Design (Greater than 1000 sq. metres/10000 sq. foot) landscape design concepts (examples: waterfront, brownfield, greenfield, large park, wetlands, repurposing etc)
  • Conceptual Analysis and Planning – design or research that must include analysis and planning of a site. (Do not submit pure design projects that have no analysis)
  • Graduate Award – Design, Analysis or Research project submitted to a University.

If you doubt which category you should enter, review the past winners.


Conceptual Awards – Students should be enrolled in a university program including Landscape Architecture, Landscape Engineering, Landscape Design, Architecture, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Environmental Design, and Horticulture or similar courses.
Graduate Awards – Students should have been enrolled in or graduated from a university program in the past two years (2021-2023), including Landscape Architecture, Landscape Engineering, Landscape Design, Architecture, urban design, urban planning, and horticulture or similar courses.

Entries that have won an award (Award of Excellence, Merit Award or Honour Award) in previous years are not eligible for entry.

Students enrolled in courses at the same University as a juror are eligible to enter. However, the juror will be ineligible to score any student from their university. An average score from the other jurors will be used.


Registrations close at 11:59pm London, UK time on Thursday, 26 September 2024.

Submissions close at 11:59pm London, UK time on Friday, 27 September 2024.

Please pay attention to the timezones and your timezone. Late entries will not be accepted.

Entry Requirements

The entries are a maximum five (5) A3 format pages (including Project Description Page and Image Pages) collated into one pdf (single pages not spreads) for judging. Entries must use the Entry Template that is provided via download link after purchasing the registration.

  • Project Description Page is the first page is one (1) page of text (maximum 500 words – no images)
  • Images Pages are the next four (4) pages with project images (multiple images can be placed on
    each image page). Each image can include a 25-word maximum caption. The captions are optional. Do not include large amounts of text on images for Conceptual category entries. You can include short labels (place names, legends, etc) but not paragraphs of text. Entries with large paragraphs of text on the images will be disqualified.
  • Complete the page footer, which must include the Project Name (name of the project), Category
    and Entry Number.
  • The entry number (the entry number is the same as order number provided via email) and project name shall be shown in the locations as per the template.
  • Do not change the font, font style or font size in the template for any text, including the footer.
  • No student or university names or recognisable graphics/logos within the text or images. You will provide the student/s name and information in the Entry Email.
  • Student Award submissions shall be less than 10Mb in pdf format. The pdf file only needs to be screen resolution (96 dpi) for juries to review.
  • Submissions must be in English
  • All submissions must be submitted by email to awards@worldlandscapearchitect.com and include the following
    Attachment (we do not accept links to services such as dropbox or QQ)
    – Entry PDF file – file named with Entry number, Project Name, Category (E.g. 61025-Green Garden-Conceptual Small.pdf). The entry pdf file should be 5 pages (single pages).
    Email Text
    – Email Subject – Entry Number, Project Name, Category (e.g. 61025-Green Garden-Conceptual Small)
    – Email Text include the following:
    – Entry Number, Project Name
    – A list of student/s entering, university name, program (e.g. landscape architecture) and supervisor (if applicable)
    – A copy of the Student ID or IDs if a group submission in jpg format. We need this to verify that you are a student or recently graduated.
    – Was artificial intelligence used in the production of images or text for this entry (Yes/No). If Yes what was produced using artificial intelligence?
  • Please ensure that you have thoroughly checked the PDF files before submitting. We will no longer accept updated or revised entries.

Entry Fees

The registration fee is $50 AUD (approx. 34USD, 240CNY, 26GBP, 31EUR) per entry payable by credit card, alipay, or Paypal via the WLA Shop. You can enter more than one project.


The following awards may be awarded to entrants.

  • Award of Excellence – includes a digital pdf certificate and $AUD250 prize money and publication on WLA.
  • Merit Award – includes a digital pdf certificate.
  • Honour Award – includes a digital pdf certificate.

Shortlisted entries will receive a shortlisted digital pdf certificate.


Is the registration for one or more categories?
A WLA Student Awards Registration is for one (1) entry in any of the WLA Student award categories. 

My entry was shortlisted last year. Can I enter it again?
Yes, you can enter a shortlisted award that did not win an Award of Excellence, Merit or Honour Award.

Can I enter two categories?
Only if the entry meets the category’s eligibility criteria, you will need to purchase a registration for each entry.

I can’t find my order/entry number?
The order number you receive after purchasing a registration entry is your entry number and can be found in the first email you receive. If you do not receive your order email with 24-48 hours after purchasing, please contact awards@worldlandscapearchitect.com A purchase with multiple entries will receive separate emails with additional order/entry numbers within 24-48 hours.

There are multiple files in the zip/rar file. Which one do I use?
We provide the template in various file formats, including Indesign, PDF, EPS and Powerpoint. You only need one format to create your entry submission, which is one pdf file.

Can I put images on the first page?
No, the first page is for text only. No images, graphics, logos or other representation should be placed on the first page.

Can I put more than one image per image page?
Yes, you can place as many images on one page (excluding the Project Description Page) as you wish.

Can I change the border, font, layout, etc of the Template?
No changes should be made to the template to maintain equality between the entries. The font, border, entry number location and size, and layout should be as supplied in the template.

Can I put text on the images?
Text can only be put on images to provide captions or labels or critical information such as labels, place names, chart title or axis, legends, section title, etc on a plan or diagram. No long text such as paragrNo long text, such as paragraphs, etc., should be placed on images.

Can I include links (to websites or videos) in the entry submission?
No, the submission should be plain text and images.

Can I include a video or audio in the entry submission?
No. As the jurors volunteer their time, they have a limited amount of time to review entries and, therefore, do not have time to review videos or audio submissions.

Can I send the entry pdf file as a link?
No. Do not send links to services such as Werransfer, Dropbox, OneDrive, QQ, or similar. Submissions with file links will not be accepted.

About Damian Holmes 3374 Articles
Damian Holmes is the Founder and Editor of World Landscape Architecture (WLA). He is a registered landscape architect (AILA) working in international design practice in Australia. Damian founded WLA in 2007 to provide a website for landscape architects written by landscape architects. Connect on Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/in/damianholmes/